From Mr. Gu

1. How did studying at Yuanzhi Education influence your Japanese language learning?

Japanese learning is more systematized, step by step, I can sustain it every day, and I feel that I am improving my Japanese level.

2. Did studying at Yuanzhi Education influence your outlook on life and the world?

It’s only been a month and a half, so not much so far.

3. Please tell us if there are any other influences that have been brought about by studying at Yuanzhi Education.

The main one is the improvement of Japanese language ability, and others have not yet been seen.


From Ms. Tang

1. Did studying at Yuanzhi Education have any influence on your academic performance?

Through studying at Yuanzhi Education, my understanding of EJU study became clearer and I was able to know my strengths and weaknesses better. And it is very useful for grammar and listening in studying Japanese.

2. Did studying at Yuanzhi Education influence your outlook on life and the world?

All of the teachers at Yuanzhi Education are graduates of famous Japanese universities and I respected them. At the same time, I became eager to study and I began to yearn for my bright future.

3. Please tell us if there are any other influences that have been brought about by studying at Yuanzhi Education.

It seems that Yuanzhi education is always trying to learn how to teach at the same time as teaching knowledge. The students often exchanged opinions about study methods. In addition to studying, the teachers kindly gave me guidance in daily life, and as an international student, they were someone I could rely on.


From Ms. Lin

1. Did studying at Yuanzhi Education have any impact on your academic performance?

I am glad that I was able to enter graduate school and the field of specialization that I longed for precisely because I received guidance related to my field of specialization and application documents.

2. Did studying at Yuanzhi Education influence your outlook on life and the world?

Thanks to the guidance and encouragement of my teachers, I gained the courage to choose a field different from my university major.


From Ms. Zhang 1

1. How did studying at Yuanzhi Education influence your Japanese language learning?

1. I couldn’t speak Japanese at all, but now I am able to have a normal daily conversation. Under the careful guidance of the teachers, I passed the Japanese Language Proficiency Test.

2. Did studying at Yuanzhi Education have any impact on your academic performance?

I was able to quickly get used to studying abroad thanks to the valuable advice I received, not only on learning Japanese but also in my daily life. Studying at Yuanzhi was an irreplaceable part of my study-abroad life.


From Ms. Mr. Zhang 2

 1. How did studying at Yuanzhi Education influence your Japanese language learning?

Along with studying listening and reading comprehension, I was able to recognize that studying Japanese is not just a combination of words, but a systematic curriculum with rules. I feel that my growth is inseparable from the guidance I received from my teachers at Yuanzhi Education.

2. Did studying at Yuanzhi Education have any impact on your academic performance?

Studying at Yuanzhi Education has brought me great results in my studies. First of all, I learned the correct way to learn Japanese, so I was able to proceed smoothly and I feel that I was able to achieve double the results with half the effort. Second, I developed good study habits. You will be able to study independently and concentrate without getting bored even if you continue studying for a long time. Owing to Yuanzhi Education, I successfully passed the Japanese Language Proficiency Test and was able to enter the graduate school of my choice.

3. Did studying at Yuanzhi Education influence your outlook on life and the world?

By studying at Yuanzhi Education, I believe that you will develop a serious attitude to face the various challenges of life and by setting clear goals, you will be able to enter a school that is suitable for you.

4. Please tell us if there are any other influences that have been brought about by studying at Yuanzhi Education.

In my daily studies, I sometimes get overwhelmed by inertia, but under the serious and responsible guidance of the teachers, I was able to overcome it after a lot of hard work. In that regard, I have been greatly indebted to Ms. Chen and Mr. Sun through my Japanese studies. Also, I am very grateful to you for guiding me until I passed my long-awaited graduate school.


From Mr. Liu

1. How did studying at Yuanzhi Education influence your Japanese language learning?

I think that studying at your school had a great impact on me. Thanks to the intensive study of N5 knowledge in two months, I was able to acquire the basics of Japanese very firmly and I was able to use grammar and verbs properly according to the situation.

Did studying at Yuanzhi Education have any impact on your academic performance?

At that time, I was preparing for the Japanese high school entrance exams and was doing my best, but without the guidance of my teachers, I think I would have had to extend my stay in Japan even further.

Did studying at Yuanzhi Education influence your outlook on life and the world?

Nothing in particular.

4. Please tell us if there are any other influences that have been brought about by studying at Yuanzhi Education.

First, I realized that I had a lot of work to do. At first, I was seriously considering studying abroad in Japan, so I first came to Japan as a summer camp and studied intensively at Yuanzhi Education. With the enthusiastic guidance of the teachers there, I was able to enter the school of my choice without any problems, and I was able to fulfill my long-cherished desire to study abroad.


From Ms. Xie

1. How did studying at Yuanzhi Education affect your academic performance?

In studying at Yuanzhi Education, I was able to build not only knowledge about entrance exams but also a foundation for learning after entering university. As an international student, studying is of course important, but it was a valuable experience for me to be able to quickly adapt to changes in the external environment and develop the ability to adapt to it. The one-year study period at your school was an important period for dramatically improving my academic ability and life skills. I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the teachers at Yuanzhi Education for their guidance and encouragement.

2. Did your study at Yuanzhi Education influence your outlook on life and the world?

I vividly remember the words that my teacher always used to say, “Don’t change, keep changing.” By attending the university, I have had more opportunities than before to become familiar with Japanese society and come into contact with many people and things. In my daily life, I receive many influences and new stimuli, but I never forget my original intention when I came to Japan.

3. Did your study at Yuanzhi Education influence your outlook on life and the world?

When faced with exam pressure and anxiety, I no longer fear and run away like I used to.


From Ms. Chen

1. How did studying at Yuanzhi Education affect your Japanese studies?

 By continuing my studies at Yuanzhi Education, my Japanese has improved a lot. I chose the one-on-one program for further improvement. First of all, thanks to the teacher’s careful correction of my writing in the process of preparing for the written test, I was able to see a dramatic improvement in my writing. Next, I learned many things such as honorifics used in e-mails, wording, and how to write from the guidance of the professor, which I believe will be very useful when I get a job in Japan in the future. Moreover, my conversation skills became very fluent. At your school, I received guidance on intonation, and although I was unable to speak at the interview at first, I organized the contents in my head and improved to the point where I could give a presentation for 30 minutes.

2. How has studying at Yuanzhi Education affected your academic performance?

The two books I used in the exam preparation stage were very useful for my studies after entering university. In my master’s course, I focused on these two books.

3. Did studying at Yuanzhi Education influence your outlook on life and the world?

During my studies at your school, I came to believe that hard work always pays off. At first, I had a lot of troubles and experienced many failures, but as a result of continuing my studies, I was able to pass the entrance exam to the school of my choice and gained confidence in myself.

4. Please tell us if there are any other influences that have been brought about by studying at Yuanzhi Education.

I am very grateful to the teachers of Yuanzhi Education. In the six months, I worked hard at your school, I was able to sustain my procrastination and improve my self-confidence. I hope that far-sighted education will continue to develop.


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