Teacher Jenny Chen

Japanese Instructor (Professional)

  • From Hubei, China
  • 12 years in Japan (as of 2023)
  • 2011 Niigata University Graduate School of Contemporary Society and Culture Exchange Study Abroad for half a year
  • 2012 Master’s Degree in Literature, Department of Japanese Language and Literature, Graduate School of Foreign Languages, Huazhong Normal University, China 
  • 2015 Graduate School of Social Sciences, Waseda University Graduate School of Social Sciences, Department of Global Society, Contemporary Japanese Studies, Received the second Master’s Degree
  • 2021 Completion of 420 hours of Japanese language teacher training course
  • More than 15 years of Japanese language teaching experience
  • Waseda University China Alumni Association Overseas Branch Secretary
  • Experience teaching Japanese at Hubei Normal University in China ・Experienced as a guidance instructor for international students at Taiken Gakuen in Japan
陳 金麗 先生

Teacher Toshie Mizuno

Japanese Teacher (Professional)

  • From Tokyo
  • 2021 Completion of 420 hours of Japanese language teacher training course
  • More than 3 years of Japanese language teaching experience ・ Passed the Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test in 2021
水野 利枝 先生

Teacher Xiong

Japanese Teacher (Professional)

  • From Jiangxi, China
  • 2017 Graduate School of International Literature, Hosei University, Ph.D. in International Culture
  • Worked as a full-time Japanese teacher at a prestigious university in China for 6 years
  • Currently enrolled at Waseda University as a foreign researcher ・Over 7 years of Japanese language teaching experience
熊 先生

Teacher Miho Kamada

Japanese Teacher (Professional)

  • From Aichi Prefecture
  • Graduated from Kyoto University of Education
  • Passed the Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test in 2002
  • Worked as a full-time Japanese language instructor at Hubei Normal University and Korean universities for 5 years
  • Currently working at a private university in Japan ・More than 23 years of Japanese language teaching experience
鎌田 みほ 先生

Teacher Nakamura

Japanese Teacher (Professional)

  • 2021 Completion of 420 hours of Japanese language teacher training course
  • More than 1 year of Japanese language teaching experience
仲村 先生

Teacher Tsuyoshi Tsukamoto

Japanese Teacher (Professional)

  • From Hokkaido
  • Graduated from Hokkaido University
  • Worked at a major food company for 37 years
  • More than 3 years of Japanese language teaching experience
塚本 剛 先生

Teacher Masaya Suzuki

Japanese Teacher (Professional)

  • From Tokyo
  • 2020 Completion of 420 hours of Japanese language teacher training course
  • More than 2 years of Japanese language teaching experience
鈴木 まさや 先生

Teacher Xin Wang

Japanese Teacher (Professional)

  • From Jiangsu, China
  • Graduated from Wuhan University
  • 6 years in Japan (as of 2023)
  • Passed the Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test in 2020
  • In 2020, completed the Japanese language teacher training course
  • Worked as a Japanese language teacher at a leading university in China for 10 years
  • More than 14 years of Japanese language teaching experience
王 きん 先生

Teacher Setsuko Inoue

Japanese Teacher (Professional)

  • From Saitama Prefecture
  • Graduated from Kokugakuin University
  • Study abroad at a university in the United States for 3 years
  • Completed 420 hours of Japanese teacher training course
  • More than 1 year of Japanese language teaching experience
  • Worked as a multicultural coexistence promoter at a Japanese high school for 3 years

Teacher Liu

  • Japanese Conversation Teacher
  • From Qingdao, China
  • 12 years in Japan (as of 2023)
  • 2015 Master’s degree, Graduate School of International Communication, Waseda University
  • Areas of specialty: Teaching Japanese for business, preparing for interviews
  • More than 2 years experience as a language teacher
劉 先生


Student Zhang

3-year college degree (China)
Mr. Zhang learned Japanese at the beginner’s level at Yuanzhi Education, and after two years, he reached a level of Japanese that allowed him to pass graduate school in Japan.

Student Wang

Graduated from high school (China)
Ms. Wang learned Japanese at the intermediate level at Yuanzhi Education, and after a year, she reached a level of Japanese that allowed her to pass the entrance examination of a medical university in Japan. She also passed the National Nursing Examination.

Student Tang

Graduated from high school (China)
Ms. Tang learned Japanese from the intermediate level at Yuanzhi Education, and after two years, she reached a level of Japanese that allowed her to pass the entrance examination of a Japanese university.

Student Xie

Graduated from high school (China)
Mr. Xie learned Japanese from the intermediate level at Yuanzhi Education, and after two years, he reached a level of Japanese that allowed him to pass two Japanese university exams.

Student Lin

Graduated from university (China)
Mr. Lin has already obtained N1 (perfect reading comprehension), received academic Japanese instruction and interview guidance at Yuanzhi Education, and passed a prestigious private graduate school exam after one year.

Student Liu

Graduated from junior high school (Hong Kong)
Mr. Liu learned Japanese from the beginner’s level at Yuanzhi Education, and after a year passed the Japanese high school entrance exam.

Student Chen

Graduated from university (China)
Mr. Chen has already obtained N2, received academic Japanese language instruction and interview guidance at Yuanzhi Education, and after one year passed the entrance exam to enter a Japanese national university and a prestigious private graduate school.

Pass record:

Student Zhou Tohoku University Graduate School
Student Sun Meiji University
Student Chen Hokuriku Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Student Dong Utsunomiya University Graduate School
Student Chen Ritsumeikan University Graduate School
Student Lin Senshu University Graduate School
Student Hong Komazawa University Graduate School
Student Xie Kokushikan University
Student Liu Mejiro University
Student Zhang Graduate School of Senzoku Gakuen College of Music
Student Xie Kyoto Sangyo University
Student Tang Surugadai University
Student Chen Saitama Institute of Technology
Student Wei Edogawa University
Student Zhang Toua University Graduate School
Student Wei Shonan Institute of Technology
Student Wang Gunma University of Health and Welfare
Student Liu Asahi Juku Secondary School

Achievements in business Japanese conversation

  1. VIP ceremony student: Business owner (Chinese) who runs a travel business in Shinjuku Ward
    He has always been working with the help of translators and interpreters. After half a year of studying in Yuanzhi Education, he was gradually able to work alone.
  1. VIP ceremony student: A company manager (Chinese) who runs an animation business in Shibuya Ward
    When he first entered Yuanzhi Education, he was ashamed to speak. After 2 months, he achieved the effect of smooth communication, he practiced listening, speaking, reading, and writing every day, and he is continuing to study.

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